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Our Company
Every day, our more than 130,000 employees globally are building a world where complex diseases are prevented and cured, treatments are smarter and less invasive—and solutions are personal.
At Johnson & Johnson, we believe good health is the foundation of vibrant lives, thriving communities and forward progress. That’s why for more than 135 years, we have aimed to keep people well at every age and every stage of life. Today we are committed to using our reach and size for good. We strive to improve access and affordability, create healthier communities, and put a healthy mind, body and environment within reach of everyone, everywhere.
Our leaders and leadership approach
Corporate Governance
The print and digital publications we produce each year that recap the company’s business performance and key enterprise-wide milestones.
Our commitment to our people
Code of Business Conduct
We believe acting ethically and responsibly is not only the right thing to do, but also the right thing to do for our business.
Company products
Learn more about our Innovative Medicine and MedTech businesses.
Corporate reports
Find information about some the publications we produce each year.
ESG Policies & Positions
The policies and positions on ESG issues that are important to Johnson & Johnson and our stakeholders.
Info for investors
Get the latest financial information, earnings reports and five-year financial review.