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HomeLatest newsHealth & wellness7 Easy Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions (Really!)
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7 Easy Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions (Really!)

How many times have you promised that you’ll eat better, exercise more and take better care of your health come January 1—only to abandon those resolutions before month’s end? Make 2019 the year you actually keep them with these simple strategies.

Nearly 50% of us make New Year’s resolutions, vowing to lose weight, travel more and get organized, just to name a few popular promises.

But according to the most comprehensive resolution research out of University of Scranton, only about 8% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions.

So what do these eight percenters most likely share in common? Intention.

According to the research, it’s often not enough to say “I’m going to do this.” It’s important to know exactly how you’ll make it happen.

Whether your New Year’s goal is to lose weight or sock away more for retirement, here are seven easy ways to stick to your resolutions—all year long.


The Resolution: Exercise More

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Exercise More

For many people, finding the time to make it to the gym can be tough. But it is possible to fit exercise into your schedule—and not the other way around.

Consider downloading The Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout® free app for science-based, high-intensity circuit training workouts you can do anywhere and anytime.

Pregnant or just gave birth? The Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Wellness for Expecting and New Moms™ app offers strategic movement, workout and mind and body sessions to help keep new moms energized throughout the New Year.


The Resolution: Eat Better

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Eat Better

Small lifestyle tweaks can be easier to make than wholesale “I’m never eating this again!” promises. For example, when eating out, look for restaurants with bright lighting. A study from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab found that people who dined in well-lit eateries were 16-24% more likely to make healthy food choices than those eating in dimly-lit establishments. The reason: Bright lights kept them alert and thinking about their consumption.

Staying in? Try to keep the kitchen tidy. Researchers at the Lab found that when stressed-out subjects were left in a messy kitchen, they ate twice as many cookies as people who were in an orderly kitchen.


The Resolution: Take Better Care of Your Health—and Your Family’s

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Take Better Care of Your Health

It can be hard enough to manage your own doctor’s appointments and medications, let alone those of your entire household. But thanks to modern technology, better organization can be just a few app taps away. Apps like the Care4Today® Mobile Health Manager, which can send you reminders to take your meds, alert you when it’s time for a refill and help you share that information with loved ones or healthcare providers.

And the Kids’ Wellness Tracker can help you look up proper drug dosages, based on your child’s weight and age; log symptoms, appointments and vaccines; get quick information about specific health conditions; and chart kids’ statistics as they grow.


The Resolution: Save More Money

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Save More Money

According to a 2016 Bankrate Financial Security Index Survey, 28% percent of people have no emergency savings—and only 16% have the recommended 3-5 months’ worth of expenses saved.

If you often find yourself living paycheck to paycheck, follow a golden rule that financial experts abide by: Pay yourself first, before you spend a dime.

To help make saving a no-brainer, consider setting up an auto-deposit to split your paycheck between checking and savings, or set up monthly automatic transfers to a savings account.


The Resolution: Take Care of Your Skin

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Take Care of Your Skin

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States—but if it’s caught early enough, it can often be completely curable. So schedule a skin cancer screening now using the free screening tool offered through the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Simply plug in your zip code or state to find local practitioners who offer free screenings.


The Resolution: Love Your Job More

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Love Your Job

Forty(+) hours a week is a lot of time to spend unhappy—and yet a little over half of us are, according to the latest job satisfaction survey from the Conference Board.

To help reboot your mindset, make a list of concrete things that would make you more content at work. Is it more money? A different responsibility? Maybe a new boss?

If it’s the first two, job satisfaction could be had by drawing up a list of why you’re doing a good job, and then asking for what you feel you deserve. (It’s worth your while: 75% of people who ask for a raise get one.) If it’s the latter—or other situations out of your control, like a shorter commute—update your resume and start looking for a new gig.

And put a goal date on the calendar—say, in six weeks—to help keep yourself on track and assess your progress.


The Resolution: Get More Shut-eye

2017 New Year's Resolutions: Get more shut-eye

One in three adults don’t get the minimum suggested seven hours of sleep each night, according to a 2016 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Most experts’ top advice is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. (Yes, even on weekends!) So try setting an alert on your phone to help get yourself to bed on time.And if you have a baby in the house, consider downloading the Johnson’s® Bedtime® Baby Sleep App, which offers everything from sleep expert advice to a 3-step bedtime routine that can help get your little one to sleep—so you’re well rested to conquer the other resolutions on your list.

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