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McNeil’s Response to Today’s News

Earlier today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a report describing manufacturing-related observations from inspections of the McNeil Consumer Healthcare facility at Fort Washington, PA related to the recent recall announcement and later held a press conference to go over their findings. In response, McNeil issued a public statement. You can read the entire statement, but I thought the following passage is important to note:

We have no higher concern than providing parents with the highest quality products for their children. The quality issues that the FDA has observed, many of which we had recently identified in our own quality reviews and communicated to the FDA, are unacceptable to us, and not indicative of how McNeil Consumer Healthcare intends to operate. While the chance of serious adverse medical reaction is remote, we apologize to those who rely on our medicines for the concern and inconvenience this recall may have caused. We will provide a detailed response to the FDA on their observations, and work diligently to ensure that they are addressed.

A complete list of the products involved and additional information about the recall can be found on their website, or by calling 1-888 222-6036.