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The WiSTEM2D Scholars Award Program

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be a US citizen for this award?

No. The Scholars Program call for applications is a global outreach.

What is the 2022 application close date and time?

Applications will open August 30, 2021, and will close at 9AM HST (Honolulu Standard Time) on September 27, 2021.

How many references are required for the application?

You need one department head letter of recommendation (applications are limited to one applicant per university per STEM2D discipline). In addition, you need two references listed on your resume, including name and contact information. The references on the resume are not required to submit a letter.

I am currently a lecturer without the ability to obtain tenure in this position. Am I eligible for the award?

Yes. If your current teaching position is equivalent to an Associate or Assistant Professor / Lecturer or Senior Lecturer you are eligible to apply for a Scholars Program Award, even if you are on a track that does not allow for future tenure at your current university/institution.

My university does not have a tenure track. Am I eligible for the award?

Yes. The Scholars Program is open to non-tenured females who are in Associate or Assistant Professor / Lecturer or Senior Lecturer or global equivalent faculty positions at the time of application at an accredited academic university, institution or design school. It is not necessary that the sponsoring institution have a tenure track.

This is a change from the original design of the program. Because we understand that there may be numerous qualified applicants from institutions which do not recognize tenure, including from countries where this concept does not exist, we eliminated this requirement.

When submitting my application what if I can’t find an application sub-category that fits my research focus?

Please categorize your application as best you can within the disciplines and sub-categories that are provided. We will ensure it is reviewed with your proposed research focus in mind.

While my Ph.D. does not directly correspond to these areas, my work falls within these six disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Manufacturing and Design). Can I still apply?

We give one award in each of the six disciplines. If you feel your work falls into one of those disciplines, even if your PhD does not, we would encourage you to apply as well.

How many Scholars Program applicants can a university/institute recommend?

Applications are limited; each university and/or academic institute can support and recommend one applicant per each STEM2D discipline. Therefore, each university and/or academic Institute can support a total of 6 applicant submissions (one for Science, one for Technology, one for Engineering, etc.)

What if my university also has a medical or design school that is considered a different institution—can each entity recommend six applicants (one application per STEM²D letter)?

If each institution has a separate DUNS number, then yes, each institution can support applicants separately. However, if the institutions fall under one DUNS number, the institutions collectively should align on recommendations.

Can a university/institute submit one combined letter of recommendation for all applicants?

No. There should be a separate letter of recommendation from the university/institute for each applicant.

For the 1,000-word document detailing the proposed area of research, can references be listed outside of that word count?

Yes, please go ahead and list references on a separate page if needed.

When creating the budget proposal for the research, should I include university indirect costs or overhead?

No. In order to most effectively achieve the goals of the program to fuel the research passion and accelerate the research career of a WiSTEM²D Scholar, the Scholars Program Award is intended to be used to fund research consumables and the salary or hourly wage of lab personnel to be used by the recipient in support of her research project. It is not to be used to pay the recipient’s salary or any indirect or overhead costs of the university or academic institute, including fringe benefits or indirect costs for any lab personnel providing assistance to the recipient.

What are allowable expenses under the research budget proposal?

Costs that drive and are related to the research of the application proposal, such as: research consumables, capital equipment, external CRO costs and salary or hourly wage of lab and/or research personnel (to include undergraduate, graduate and postdoc student salaries). The award funding can also be applied to travel, conference attendance, or publication costs as long as they are directly associated to the research proposal within the application.

Costs that are considered non-allowable are: tuition payments, university fees, benefit costs, health insurance coverage costs as well as costs considered as overhead or fringe.

Can an applying scholar use the award funding for course “buy-out”?

No. The award cannot be used for either salary for the award recipient, salary supplements during non-academic months, or for the recipient to buyout her course teaching obligations at her institution.

Does the application still require a video submission, like previous years?

For the Phase 1 application submission there is no longer the requirement of a video. If you move to the final selection phase in 2020, and you are a top finalist, you will receive a direct email with instructions on how to provide an optional video.

What are some global examples that are equivalent to an Associate Professor or Assistant Professor?

  • United States: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
  • Australia: Senior Lecturer, Lecturer
  • Brazil: Assistant Professor, Adjunct Professor, Associate Professor, Professor Assistente, Professor Adjunto, Professor Associado
  • Cameroon: Associate Professors, Maitre de Conferences
  • Canada: Assistant Professor
  • China: Lecturer
  • Germany: Hochschuldozent, Oberassistent (W2, C2), Junior Professor, Wissenschaftlicher Assi
  • India: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
  • Israel: Senior Lecturer (Martze Bachir), Professor Chaver, Lecturer (Martze)
  • Russia: Associate Professor, Доцент
  • United Kingdom: Senior Lecturer, Lecturer

I applied last year but was not selected. Am I able to apply again?

Yes. Candidates who have applied in the past may apply again if they still meet the eligibility criteria.

I applied last year but was not selected. Can you provide feedback on my application?

Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are not able to provide reviewer comments, feedback, or guidance on submitted applications.

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