Year: 2019
University: University of Colorado, Boulder
Discipline: Math
Country of Origin: USA
Research: Identifying flexible algorithms to track and address shifting climate variables
The work of Rebecca Morrison centers on identifying flexible algorithms that can run mathematical calculations on variables like temperature, weather and rainfall more quickly and accurately as they shift over time. This allows for more precise computational, physics-based and data-driven models of those changes so it’s easier to address complex climate issues.
Morrison shares that receiving WiSTEM2D Scholars Award has had immense positive impacts on her work. In addition to providing funding and recognition for her research, the program helped her create an international community of smart, vibrant, diverse women researchers.
Thanks to the mentorship aspect of the program, Morrison was able to connect with Dr. Dusa McDuff, who she says has been a wonderful mentor. “She helped me navigate many ideas and complexities of early faculty life,” says Morrison. “Thank you, J&J, for all of this!”