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Ebola: What Nurses Must Know

Since the first case of Ebola hit U.S. shores, the nation’s frontline caregivers — registered nurses — have appealed for information about disease. The Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future is happy to respond to this important need by launching an initiative to educate every nurse in America about Ebola.

An educational grant provided by the Campaign to our partner offers nurses the opportunity to learn how to properly identify patients with Ebola in any healthcare setting, as well as the precautions nurses must follow to protect themselves while treating patients with the disease. Through the grant, nurses can complete a one-hour continuing education course on the screening, clinical treatment and special precautions surrounding the disease. In addition, nurses can extend their learning experience by accessing a unique digital publication devoted entirely to the CE course, resources and news about Ebola for three hours of CE credit.

For more than a decade, we have been pleased to partner with, a leading provider of CE for nurses in the U.S., to bring vital learning opportunities to the nation’s largest group of healthcare providers. Together, our organizations have provided CE programming to nurses on topics ranging from career and leadership development to response to natural disasters. For example, when an earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, the Campaign worked with to provide a timely series of CE courses to assist nurses who wanted to respond to the devastation. Similarly, we supported CE activities to help nurses learn about the treatment of injuries following the destructive tsunamis in Japan in 2011 and the Philippines in 2013. Nearly 84,000 hours of CE credit were awarded to nurses for these special learning activities, and 500,000 CE contact hours to date have been earned by nurses through our partnership with

It is our shared values of recognizing nurses and championing their value to the American healthcare industry and society at large that makes such a partnership so successful. As concerns about Ebola continue, we could not be more pleased to once again support the nurse community with a critical education campaign.

Nurses can access the CE learning activities at

Andrea Higham is the Senior Director of Corporate Equity. Ms. Higham is a key member of Corporate Equity Team where she helps write strategy and execute important equity projects for Johnson & Johnson. Ms. Higham is also responsible for directing the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future, a national initiative designed to enhance the image of the nursing profession, recruit new nurses and nurse faculty, and help retain nurses currently in the profession.

Ms. Higham joined Johnson & Johnson in 1997, and has worked in several areas within the Johnson & Johnson Corporate Equity Group over the past 17 years. Her work at Johnson & Johnson is driven by her passion to serve children, families, and healthcare professionals. Ms. Higham lives in Princeton with her family.

Additional information about Ms. Higham can be found at: