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      “I was working on a potential COVID-19 vaccine—Then my wife got sick”: Meet a researcher whose personal experience is fueling his fight against the pandemic

      Within a matter of weeks, Ramon Polo’s work and home life were completely changed by the novel coronavirus—and he’s a stronger scientist and husband for it.

      Chairman and CEO Alex Gorsky discusses Johnson & Johnson’s response to COVID-19 at the Fortune Brainstorm Health Conference

      Watch a video of Gorsky’s interview at the virtual summit, which includes the latest information on the company’s pursuit of a potential COVID-19 vaccine.

      Johnson & Johnson and its partners mark a milestone in the quest for a global preventive HIV vaccine with the Imbokodo Study

      The clinical trial has completed full immunizations of the company’s investigational HIV vaccine regimen. Learn what this means for the future of fighting the disease—and also for the creation of a potential vaccine for COVID-19.

      6 latest facts about Johnson & Johnson’s Ebola vaccine

      In response to a new Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Johnson & Johnson is providing up to 200,000 doses of its Ebola vaccine regimen to the country for a World Health Organization supported clinical trial. Learn more about the initiative and other top facts about the vaccine regimen for the deadly virus.

      “What COVID-19 has taught me": 7 Johnson & Johnson researchers reveal lessons they’ve learned from the pandemic

      From scientists working on a potential vaccine to medically trained employees who mobilized to the front lines to help treat patients, these men and women share what most resonates for them about the unique and devastating virus, both professionally and personally.

      Quiz: How much do you really know about COVID-19

      Think you are up to speed on the novel coronavirus? Take this quiz to test your virus knowledge.

      She’s a scientist with one of the world’s most important jobs: Creating a potential COVID-19 vaccine

      Imagine being a researcher who is staring down not only a highly infectious virus, but one that’s caused the first global pandemic in more than 100 years. Meet Johnson & Johnson’s Hanneke Schuitemaker, Ph.D.

      “I’m a scientist working on a potential COVID-19 vaccine”: Meet a researcher who’s studying a promising candidate

      Roland Zahn, Ph.D., a Janssen scientist and expert in viral vaccines, was at the front lines of research during the Ebola outbreak. Today he and his team are working at record speed to help deliver a potential vaccine for the novel coronavirus.

      6 impactful ways Johnson & Johnson is helping in the fight against COVID-19

      From work on an investigational vaccine candidate to a $50 million commitment in support of healthcare workers on the very front lines of the crisis around the world, learn how the company has taken action to help respond to the pandemic.

      “I have never seen a moment so rich in collaboration, ingenuity and acts of bravery": Johnson & Johnson announces it has identified a lead COVID-19 vaccine candidate

      Chairman & CEO Alex Gorsky shares that the company could have the first batches of a COVID-19 vaccine available for emergency-use authorization in early 2021—a substantially accelerated time frame in comparison to the typical vaccine development process.